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Jumbo Kindergarten




Kragujevac, Serbia



Design Team

759 Studio

The playroom is a freestanding ground floor building with two functionally divided units. The first unit is a hall and café for visitors or parents and guardians, while the second unit is a multifunctional space for the youngest users from 3 to 9 years.


The units function separately, with separate kitchens, toilets and play space. Separate double controlled entrances additionally ensure secure division and separation. In this case, the functional division is not visual, because the partitions are made of glass with deep views without "blind spots" making it easy for parents and guardians to look and follow the children from the comfort of the café.


The building in this case has a large plot, so in accordance with the purpose and conditions of the location of the defined position tends to be as open as possible to the yard as a natural oasis in an urban environment. The facility in it's architecture and interior is designed as interesting, healthy, green and energy efficient as possible considering its purpose and users.

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